September 4, 2023

Understanding Roofing Warranties: What's Covered and What to Look For

When investing in a new roof or undergoing roof repairs, understanding the warranty provided by your roofing contractor is crucial. A roofing warranty serves as a guarantee of the roofing materials' quality and the workmanship involved in the installation or repair process. In this blog, we'll explore the different types of roofing warranties, what they cover, and what factors to consider when evaluating a roofing warranty to ensure you make an informed decision about your roofing investment.

1. Manufacturer's Warranty

The manufacturer's warranty covers the roofing materials used in the installation. This type of warranty is typically provided by the roofing material manufacturer and includes coverage against defects in the materials themselves. Manufacturer's warranties can range from 20 years to limited lifetime, depending on the quality and type of roofing materials.

2. Workmanship Warranty

A workmanship warranty is provided by the roofing contractor and covers the installation or repair work they performed. This warranty assures that the roofing contractor has completed the work according to industry standards and will address any issues that arise due to improper installation.

3. Transferable vs. Non-Transferable Warranties

Some roofing warranties are transferable, meaning they can be passed on to a new homeowner if you decide to sell your property. Transferable warranties can add value to your home during resale. On the other hand, non-transferable warranties only cover the original property owner and do not transfer to subsequent owners.

4. Prorated vs. Non-Prorated Warranties

Prorated warranties decrease in value over time, meaning that the coverage reduces as the roof ages. Non-prorated warranties, also known as full or original cost warranties, offer the same level of coverage throughout the warranty period. Non-prorated warranties are more desirable as they provide consistent protection for the entire duration of the warranty.

5. Coverage Limitations and Exclusions

Be sure to read the warranty's fine print to understand its limitations and exclusions. Some warranties may have specific requirements for maintenance and regular inspections to remain valid. Additionally, they may exclude certain events or damages, such as natural disasters or improper maintenance.

6. Roofing Contractor Reputation

The credibility and reputation of the roofing contractor providing the warranty are crucial. Choose a reputable and experienced roofing contractor known for their quality workmanship and commitment to customer satisfaction. A reliable contractor is more likely to honor their warranty and provide prompt assistance in case of issues.

7. Clear Communication

Before finalizing any roofing contract, have a clear understanding of the warranty's terms and conditions. Ask questions and seek clarification on any aspects you find ambiguous. A trustworthy roofing contractor will be transparent about the warranty and address your concerns.

A roofing warranty is an essential aspect of your roofing investment, providing peace of mind and protection against potential issues with materials and workmanship. Take the time to understand the different types of warranties, their coverage, and any limitations or exclusions. Choose a reputable roofing contractor with a solid track record of customer satisfaction to ensure that your roofing warranty is reliable and will provide the necessary coverage throughout its term. Investing in a comprehensive roofing warranty ensures that your roof remains in good condition, protecting your home for years to come.

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